Becoming Supermom!

Have you ever seen the new movie “Mom’s Night Out” with Patricia Heaton? If you haven’t check it out here

The movie is all about a small group of moms that have decided to have a night out but along the way you learn about their struggles as a mom and watch what they planned to be a great night out falls apart. It’s hilarious! I loved it because, I was able to relate to each mom at some point or another and most often I related to the main character. Like her, I have always dreamed of being a stay at home wife and mother and thanks to my husband I am! My dream doesn’t stop there though, I don’t want to be just a wife and mom, I want to be Supermom! You know the kind that is the perfect wife and has everything together all the time! While I know that is unrealistic I also know I can do better. I can maintain a clean house. I can homeschool my kids. I can exercise and get healthy and I can play with my family! So why don’t I? I’m lazy and horrible at time management. I hate to admit it but, it’s true! I make excuses like “I don’t get enough sleep,” or “I don’t want to wake the kids up during nap time,” and “The kids wouldn’t let me get anything done,” and while they may be true, at the end of the day they are nothing more than excuses. Instead of checking out Facebook and working on my computer while the kids have breakfast and, since I’m being honest, way past breakfast time, I could do it while they are taking a nap, like they are right now! Instead of crawling back into bed after packing up my husbands lunch I could exercise, shower and make time to look decent, after all the kids are still sleeping then too.

So why am I spilling out my guts for everyone to read? For a few reasons, one being that now that everyone knows, I have to stick to it and I hope many of you will help me and another reason is that I can’t be the only mom who struggles with this. It is my hope to find accountability and to help others to grow with me by simply spilling my guts.

What is my plan and how am I going to become my own realistic version of Supermom? I am going to start small by making a few changes at a time for at least a week or until I feel confident that I can add more small changes into my routine. It will be a trial and error system until I find what is right for my family and for myself. My goal is to get healthy, and to find a routine that will allow me to have the proper time to exercise, clean, play, homeschool, and have family time.

My first change to implement is to wake up early instead of crawl back into bed until the kids wake up. I will start the day out like usual by packing my husbands lunch up and sending him off to work. Then I will use the next 2 hours to enjoy my cup of coffee, have breakfast, pray and or read my bible, exercise for at least 30 minutes and shower to appear decent for the arrival of my husband. (I think it’s about time he came home to find his wife in something other than my “stay at home mom” clothes!)

It may sound selfish to some of you that the first change is focusing on me but, it’s not. I can not expect to be the kind of Supermom I desire to be if I neglect myself and more importantly my relationship with God. I will absolutely fall short if I do not ask God for the strength to continue and listen to Him as he works to mold me into the Supermom and wife He created me to be and that I want so badly to be.

This is perhaps the hardest change to implement because I love, I mean I really, really love sleeping in and I have never been consistent at working out, so please pray for me and encourage me as I embark upon this journey of becoming Supermom.