The Benefits of Observing Lent Together as Husband and Wife!

When I started dating my husband I made the decision to observe Lent with him. I was raised in the Church of Christ and Lent was not a common practice, so it was a big, new step for me. He sweetly told me I didn’t have to do it but, I wanted to. I wanted to show my support for him and his beliefs. That year, he decided to read the book of Exodus and I thought it was a genius idea because Exodus has 40 chapters and I could easily read one chapter a day!

I loved everything about it! I loved the simplicity, the opportunity to read God’s word with him and discuss it, and learning more about him! I loved it so much that we have observed Lent together every year since!

In the days and weeks leading up to Lent we start talking about what we will do together as a team to observe Lent. We do not do our own thing but, instead we pick one thing, such as reading Exodus together. 

Observing Lent together has greatly benefited us and our marriage and played a part in my conversion to Catholicism and because of that, I would like to share some of these benefits.

As a husband and wife our main goal for each other is to help each other strive for, and by the grace of God, reach Heaven. One of the ways we do this is by holding each other accountable for our Lenten observances. If I forget to fast, or abstain from meat, or do penance, I can count on him to remind me and vice versa. We are also a competitive couple which helps us to complete our Lenten observances when we start to fail.

We also found that when we read and study God’s word together our bond is strengthened, even more so when we pray together. There is nothing like opening yourself up completely to your spouse in prayer. In doing so you let them know your heart’s desire, your deepest struggles and so much more. It’s not easy to do but it is humbling and unifying. If you have never prayed with your spouse I encourage you to do so! You will not regret it one bit. I felt so much love listening to him pray for me, our marriage and our kids and I’m sure he felt the same way.

There is great strength to be found in each other and yourself when you work together. Giving up processed foods was not easy for either of us but, Lent is not meant to be easy. There were times I would have killed, not literally, for chocolate and times when I had a massive migraine but, couldn’t have a Mt. Dew to get rid of it. I instead turned to him knowing that he was also dying for a cherry coke and hot fries, and that gave me strength because I knew I wasn’t alone. When we exercise together, and I am not at all the type to exercise, I dig deep to find the strength to prove to him I can do it! When I know someone is watching me and holding me accountable I am more likely to find the strength I need to succeed.

If you have never observed Lent together as a husband and wife, I encourage you to try! It’s not to late! Your marriage and your faith will be greatly blessed!

For some ideas, you could pray together, about each other, your marriage, your children or whatever God leads you to pray about. If it’s your first time, make it easier by praying the Rosary. You can read the Bible, do volunteer work together, find different ways to demonstrate love, compliment each other daily, tell each other why you love them or are thankful for them. There is so much you can do together to enrich your marriage and grow together in your faith!


2 thoughts on “The Benefits of Observing Lent Together as Husband and Wife!

  1. This is a good example of what a good loving Christian family should be. This is also teaching your kids to be  good Christian parents.  Wish I had been as wise at your age and maybe I would not have been divorced 2 times 


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